Presaling is a practice performed by some crypto projects ahead of an initial coin offering, in which tokens are sold to interested parties at a certain price
Revoke access to tokens from hackers or bots
Rectify unwanted transactions, smart contract or other issues
You are eligible to recieve reward if you hold any token in your wallet or always stake and use our platform to perform
Buy / Sell Bitcoin, either and many common cryptocurrencies
We will support you in any related issues with swaping and / or exchange of coin
Claim Airdrop
Token Migration refers to the transfer of tokens from one blockchain to another
Want to recover lost token?
Staking involves locking up a portion of cryptocurrency for a period of time as a way of contributing to a blockchain network. In exchange, stakers can earn reward in typically in the form of additional coins or tokens
a function to "unstake" is necessary before tokens can be moved out of the wallet. in general, users can decide the amount to be unstaked
Complete your KYC issues
Debug various error codes pertaining to transaction issues
If you are logged out due to activity on the account
Do you have issues with transaction being delayed
No server deployments, no new library to learn. To integrate with MainnetSync, all you need to do is drop these few lines to initialize a web3 object. WalletLink takes care of the rest. WalletLink is open-source and uses minimal dependencies for maximum security and no code bloat.
Reputable projects are supporting the MainnetSync, either by providing an easy way to connect tokens or participating in Knowledge governance.